Information obtained in IPRA request on Sandoval County role, as a public and private partnership, with Aperion ReCorp (now IMH Hedge Fund) and several other shell corporations out of Arizona. These are foreign corporations that are now ligating to see who will control the New Mexican Brackish water resources that Sandoval County appears to have given away. The market value for the water alone is said to be over $1 Billion, According to a couple of appraisals obtained.
The cost of the building $87 Million with bonds that the State, Feds, and Sandoval County residents would be responsible for. But what is worse is to see how this deal was made, who is responsible for it and what we can do as citizens. How do we get accountability for money spent? How will this water be sued in the future? The questionable practices to obtain funding for this project and the implication of corruption, sidestepping administrative rules calls into question the ethics of the administration of Planning and Zoning Director and the current County Manager.
Using brine water for fracking and ruining the health of our communities and drinking water in our Region?
HB0019 Passed in 2009 Sponsored By Mimi Stewart.
On July 30, we discovered the documents that show the interconnection between the desalination pumping in the Rio Puerco impacts on the Rio Grande. At the July 12 Work session of the Sandoval County Commission, New Mexico Tech stated there was no study they could find on transmissivity or interconnection between the two basins. Yet this study was paid for by the Interstate Stream Commission. This study was covered up and was not given to the County Commission and or the Supreme Court in a decision that could have been much different had they known about how these impacts of pumping 18,000 – 43,000 acre-feet a year would impact the Rio Grande Compact. The reason for the discrepancy is that there are different document s that claim the ability of paper rights when adding up the various partners invested in IMH Financial Corporation.
In the July 12th Work session the Thrust Energy experts and its CEO stated their intention of fracking on the West Mease out Southern Blvd out to the Rio Puerco and said that their Documentation was proprietary and they were not able to show us why they thought Mancos Shales operations and oil drilling were of exceptional quality.
As it stands there are no regulations on Brine water and the fracking operators can drill with unpolished brine water. We believe that despite adamant denials from Gary Lee, an engineer on the desal project, that the brine will be used for fracking.
Final_2018_Letter_Authorization_RG-88934_POD1_POD2_Signed_20180831. The current status of the brine wells (2) was repaired and the OSE now has authorized the record of repair of the wells. Sandoval County and IMH may now pump on those wells and selling raw brine for fracking operations.
NMED is reviewing the Discharge permit and if approved can later be modified as the waste stream on these wells impact the environment, water, air wildlife and impact the health of our communities. the Salt os these brine has a 13,000 TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) that include heavy metals, Radionuclides, and arsenic just to name a few. There are Plans for Selling the lime and salt waste as Gypsum Board.
According to email communication between Mike Springfield and George King, they planned to get then State Engineer to support legislation on pre-emption of the beneficial use on drilling under 2500 ft.
What pours salt into our wounds is that the Brine water has been appraised at 1 billion dollars and they sold their share for $6 Million.
DeepAquifer-JSAI_FINAL DRAFT FIGS 063010
Figure ! Rio Puerco Deep weel impacts to RG and RSJ
Motion for Injunction (Restrain County – Water Extraction)
Request for design professional Services 10-16-08
Guy Brally email to Mike Springfield RE RR Observer Article
Petition for Prohibition, Control…Stay
Sandoval Co Commision Agenda – Special Meeting 12-30-10
Reply to Sandoval Co for Prelim Injunction
Objection to Preliminary Order of Entry & County’s Proposed Deposit
Warranty Deed Alice King Way Right of Way
Soil Test Interpretations 2-12-08
Master Inquiry (Water Project Fund)
Appraisal Report Vacant Land As Is 3-3-11
General Warranty Deed (For Road)
Roos & Owens Wellsite and Right of Way Valuation Analysis
County Agreement to farm out Engineering
Note and Mortgage Modification Agreement
Mortgage to Johnson Bank for Water Rights
Special Warranty Deed Mesa Del Sol 12-5-13
Letter from State Engineer 2-27-07
Notice of Lis Pendens (Southwest Lending Forclosed on 2006 Note)
01-01-11 Article Developer to Change Brackish Aquifer
County deals desal plant to developer RR Observer article 1-3-11
Water Resource Analysis & Valuation 5-22-09
Butera Porperties LLC Financing Statement with Johson Bank
Special Warranty Deed RE Public Lands
Balleau Grounfwater Inc Report
Warranty Deed (Title Insurance)
RR Observer Article on Desalination
State Engineer Water Rights Summary 5-13-09
Valuation Analysis Wellsites 5, 6 & Right of Way West of RR
Sandoval Co NM v Tesoro Property LLC Timeline
MoU Between Sandoval Co and Recorp 5-1-07
Stewart Title Info to Sandoval County Courthouse
6-29-09 Letter from County Manager to Recorp
Corporations (Recorp) Information Inquiry
Combined Files Sandoval Ordinance, Gas Plant energy options, Treasurer report, Water Board Application, email, letters, and etc. Binder 5 Combined files
Prior Files out of a Separate IPRA Previous to 6.29. 2018 scan Brin batch Binders 1,2,3 are too larger to upload on this site. because they are JPGS.
IMH Security on Road Closure of Public road paid for by taxpayers.
county Accees Road settlement county access.JPG
Desal Wells for aperion Recorp discharge Permit for Desal project