2018 Ordinance and Briefing package for August 14, 2018, PZ Meeting
889_Commissoner Block Sandoval Oil and Gas Draft 24 July 18
889_CWG Ordinance Team Prelim Draft Ordinance 8_9_18 for Sandoval County P&Z Commission
889_SC_BCC_Oil_and_Gas_Draft_November_2017 POSTED
889_Staff Map 2017 SandCO-OG draft proposals
ECONOMICS 09-00-Section-09-Economics 09-01a-CommissionComment-Impacts on Surface and Split Estate Properties 09-01b,10-01b-Op-Ed-SplitEst+Landmen 09-02-ReferencesCitationsPropertyValueImpacts011013 09-03-TheOtherSideOfTheCoin-Article 09-04-TheOtherSideOfTheCoin-PowertPointPresentation 09-05-SocialEconomicimpactsSummary-wyoming 09-06-HowToThinkAboutEconomicConsequences_Marcellus_SC_NR 09-07-EconomicImpactinMarcellus_bartheco 09-08-NYSBA-Journal-nov-dec2011-Elizabeth-Radow-article-with-reprint-info 09-09-NM oil boom causing issues _ LasVegasOptic 09-10-Oil Is Not All That’s Booming In North Dakota GÄî So Is Drug Trade 09-11-Trying to combat growing drug trade in oil patch 09-12-Why Are Fracking Hopefuls Suing a County in New Mexico 09-13-New Mexico Towns Struggle To Catch Up With Oil Boom 09-14-New Mexico’s Oil Industry Transforms Local Economies 09-15-Fracking brings oil boom to south Texas town, for a price 09-16-Bakken Shale Oil 09-17-Natural Gas Stirs Hope and Fear in Pennsylvania 09-18-A Dream Dashed by the Rush on Gas 09-19-A Drive for New Jobs Through Energy 09-20-Eddy County No. 1 in New Mexico for oil production 09-21-New Mexico oil country struggles as cities boom 09-22-Small N.M. cities learn boom-bust lessons 09-23-SE oil boom outpaces housing 09-24-Western Colorado Struggles as Energy Jobs Fade 09-25-In Wyoming, Many Jobs but No Place to Call Home 09-26-WhatGÄôs the Most Expensive Town in the US The Answer May Surprise You 09-27-The Fracked-up USA Shale Gas Bubble 09-28-U.S. Shale-Oil Boom May Not Last as Fracking Wells Lack Staying Power 09-29-Shale Gas Production Decline Trend Comparison over Time and Basins 09-30-Red Queen effect can make production slow down in a hurry 09-31-BoomInEnergySpursIndustryInTheRustBelt 09-32-EffectOfNatGasSupplyOnRenewablesAndCarbonEmissions
EMERGENCY RESPONSE and SAFETY 07-00-Section-07-EmergencyResponseAndRoads-Traffic 07-01a-CommissionComment-EmergencyResponseNotes 07-01b-Op-Ed-Emergency+Roads 07-10-India–PipelineBlastKillsAtLeast15 07-09-New Mexico Toxic Release Tracker 07-08-Amid Pipeline Debate, Two Costly Cleanups Forever Change Towns 07-07-Pa. Well Blowout Tests Natural Gas Industry on Voluntary Fracking Disclosure 07-06-Gas Well Spews Polluted Water 07-05-Colorado’s Oil and Gas Infrastructure Drowning in Climate-Driven Floodwaters 07-04-Colorado Flooding Imperils Oil and Gas Sites, Causes Spill 07-03-Explosion Rocks Natural Gas Processing Plant In Wyoming 07-02-Explosion shuts large natural gas processing plant in Wyoming
GENERAL ENVIRONMENT 00-01-O&G-123a-Vol-1-TOC_Detailed_ReferencesandSupportingDocument_01-10-13 01-00-Section-01-GeneralEnvironmentalAssessment 01-01-SanJuanCounty_O>our_122710 01-02-NYS_Draft2011_SGEIS_Ch6_rdsgeisch6a0911 01-03-NYS_Draft2011_SGEIS_Ch6_rdsgeisch6b0911 01-04-EuropeanCommissionRiskAssess_0912_fracking study 01-05-GermanFrackReportPressRelease_0912_pe12-028_tight_restrictions_on_hydraulic_fracturing_required 01-07-GAO Report on O&G_0912_647791 01-08-GSA Critical Issue-Hydraulic Fracturing 01-09-Compendium of New York Times Articles on Oil and Gas-2011-2014 01-10-The Right Way to Develop Shale Gas 01-11-CHP-of-NY-Fracking-Compendium 01-12-SuperFracking-PT.3.2480
HEALTH 02-00-Section-02-HealthEffects 02-01-Health Orgs Letter to EPA_air-standards-oil-gas_113011 02-02-Asthma in NM_09burdennew 02-03-Colborn_Implications11-13-12 02-04-Colborn-etal_Gas&PubHealth_2011 02-05-DentonRecord_BreastCancerClimbsinDrillingCounties 02-06-Bamberger_Oswald_NS22_in_press 02-07-PrecautionaryPrinciple_2004_SJM071 02-08-AFL-CIO-Death on the Job 02-09-As drilling ravages TexasGÄô Eagle Ford Shale, residents ‘living in a Petri dishGÄô 02-10-Natural gas boom advances with little study of public health effects, report finds 02-11-Where Eagle Ford Shale’s impact is felt 02-12-Human health risk assessment of air emissions from development of unconventional natural gas resources 02-13-Houston Chronicle exclusive Drilling boom, deadly legacy 02-14-Texas Family Wins $3 Million Judgement Against Fracking Company Over Contamination 02-15-Texas Family Wins Fracking Suit 02-16-Bob and Lisa Parr 02-17-Report Blames Safety Lapses for an Epidemic of Deaths at Wyoming Job Sites 02-18-An Oil Boom Takes a Toll on Health Care 02-19-HealthAndProximityToGasWells 02-20-HealthAndProximityToGasWells-SupplementalMaterial
LEASING AGENT 10-00-Section-10-LeasingAgents 10-01a-CommissionComment-LeasingAgents 10-01b,09-01b-Op-Ed-SplitEst+Landmen 10-02-Sample-ohio-oil-and-gas-lease-_LookBeforeYouLease_lb4ul 10-03-TruthinLeasingBill_Ohio_MarkOkey_2012 10-04-SampleOilAndGasLeaseForPropertyNorthOfLasVegas 10-05-Signing Drilling Leases, and Now Having Regrets 10-06-Officials Push for Clarity on Oil and Gas Leases
LEASING and COMPLIANCE 11-00-Section-11-MonitoringComplianceAndEnforcement 11-01a-CommissionComments-MonitoringEnforcement 11-01b-Op-Ed-Cost&Enforcement 11-02-OGAP_O&G _RegulatoryEnforcement 11-03-Saturated with oil money, Texas legislature saved industry from pollution rule 11-04-Air monitoring in fracking areas fails to detect spikes in toxic emissions, new study says 11-06-Investigators-Fed govt failed to inspect thousands of oil and gas wells amid energy boom 11-05-Tough new fracking rules in Colorado drawing keen attention in Texas, where boom rages on 11-07-Satellites and Simulations Track Missing Methane 11-08-Lea County Puts Out Reward On ‘Water Dumpers’ 11-09-Some anti-drilling activists change tactics, tone 11-10-‘Gasland’ sequel asserts drillers corrupting gov’t 11-11-Ill. gov signs into law tough fracking regulations 11-12-Illinois General Assembly 2013 and 2014 HB-3086 11-13-Exxon CEO Profits Huge As America’s Largest Natural Gas Producer-But Frack In His Own Backyard And He Sues! 11-14-Exxon CEO Joins Suit Citing Fracking Concerns 11-15-Regulation Lax as Gas WellsGÄô Tainted Water Hits Rivers 11-16-Wyoming May Act to Plug Abandoned Wells as Natural Gas Boom Ends 11-17-Inspectors struggle to keep pace – Four in 10 higher risk wells not inspected by feds 11-18-TownsInNewYorkCanProhibitFracking-StateGÄôsHighestCourtRules 11-19-EffortToAvoidVoteOn FrackingFaltersInColorado
NOISE POLLUTION 05-00-Section-05-NoisePollution 05-01a-CommissionComment-Noise Pollution 05-01b-Op-Ed-Noise 05-02-Canadian_Noise_Directive038 05-03-Colorado-Aesthetic and Noise Control Regulations 05-04-FrackQuietly-Please-SageGrouseIsNesting
PIPELINES 08-05-APipelineThreatensOurFamilyLand 08-04-InNortheast–ItGÄôsPipelineVsPastures 08-03-Oil Spill in North Dakota Raises Detection Concerns 08-02-Natural Gas Pipeline Leaks Across Washington, DC 08-01b-Op-Ed-Pipelines 08-01a-CommissionComment-Pipelines 08-00-Section-08-Pipelines
SEISMICITY 06-00-Section-06-Seismicity 06-01-Seismicity-Fracking_Oklahoma_OF1_2011 06-02-Final_Report_Bowland-UK_Seismicity-Fracking_02-11-11 06-03-Ellsworth&Hickman2012Abstract_ManmadeSeismicity_FMPro 06-04-Observations of static Coulomb stress triggering of the November 2011 M5.7 Oklahoma earthquake sequence 06-05-Ohio Announces Tougher Permit Conditions for Drilling Activities Near Faults and Areas of Seismic Activity 06-06-Ohio geologists link small earthquakes to fracking 06-07-Record Number of Oklahoma Tremors Raises Possibility of Damaging Earthquakes 06-08-Can Wastewater Injection from Fracking Cause Earthquakes 06-09-Fracking Wastewater Disposal Linked to Remotely Triggered Quakes June version Amending Ordinance
WATER QUALITY03-18-A Tainted Water Well, and Concern There May Be More 03-22-CO2-Methane-and-Brine-Leakage-Through-Subsurface-Pathways 03-21-Dinking Water Characterization of Injected Fluids Associated with Oil and Gas Production 03-20-Dinking Water Characterization of Injected Fluids Associated with Oil and Gas Production-Summary 03-19-In Land of Gas Drilling, Battle for Water That DoesnGÄôt Reek or Fizz 03-17-Drought-Stricken New Mexico Farmers Drain Aquifer To Sell Water For Fracking 03-16-Oil Creates New Demand In Water-Stressed New Mexico 03-15-Some states confirm water pollution from drilling 03-14-Increased stray gas abundance in a subset of drinking water wells near Marcellus shale gas extraction 03-13-EPA_ReportOnPavillion_Dec-8-2011 03-12-Summary of EPA Draft Report 03-11b-SBachuTWatson_Potential Well Bore Leakage_Mar2007 03-11a-Summary of Watson&Bachu Wellbore Leakage 03-10-Duke_Warner_NaturalBrineMigration_1121181109.full_PNAS 03-09-Duke_research-and-policy-recommendations-for 03-08-Osborne2011response 03-07b-Duke_methane-contamination-of-drinking-water_supportinfo_Osborn_PNAS 03-07a-Duke_methane-contamination-of-drinking-water_Osborn_PNAS 03-07-Duke Study _8172.full 03-06-LANL-for-EBSI_FinalReportProtocolWater Monitoring_2012 03-05-hydraulic-fracturing-position-paper_NGWA 03-04-HO#2_SalineAquifersinNM 03-03-HO#1_Stone_GWSanJuanBasin 03-02-NMOCD_frmOrdFacilities_1st857_GroundWaterContam 03-01b-O&G-75f-Op-Ed-WaterProtection 03-01a-O&G-60j-CommissionComments-WaterProtection 03-00-Section-03-WaterQuality 06-09-Fracking Wastewater Disposal Linked to Remotely Triggered Quakes