APPROVED: MRCOG Meeting 10-11-18 Resolution Recommendation Passed to Create a Water Resource Board Task Force for a Regional Oil and Gas Model

TAB 4 MRCOG item  of the Agenda for the Executive Board

Action Requested

Recommending Approval of the R-18-04 MRCOG directing the Water Resources Board to review and address concerns related to the social, economic, and environmental issues associated with oil and gas development throughout the region served by the MRCOG, to seek input and information from stakeholders and to create a model oil and gas ordinance for use by member governments.

This item was approved unanimously.

The Water Resources Board is given direction by the MRCOG board to initiate discussion, research and recommendations to the MRCOG on the issues concerning oil and gas development in the MRCOG region.

The Mid-Regions Council of Governments (MRCOG) provides a neutral forum for communities, groups, individuals and member governments to meet and discuss regional issues and has the staff resources to provide support and information to an advisory board. The MRCOG currently has the Water Resource Board that has the capacity and expertise to provide this review.