January 9, 2018

Don Phillip Presentation of Geological formations that make Conventional and Unconventional Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing unacceptable in the Upper Albuquerque Rio Grande Basin. Don Phillips will be making presentations to our elected officials and Stakeholders groups as we move forward with a resolution on a regional plan and what that plan will look like. Final Draft Resolution For Stakeholders Regional Plan
December 14th meeting

There are still two very large files that we are having to upload that has the bulk of the public comment for December 14th meeting. We will post them as soon as possible.

Preliminary proceedings on the Oil and Gas ordinance December 14th

November Meeting

November 16th Meeting

This meeting lasted to 1:30 am it is a video post of the meeting since much of the time was wasted on military recruitment video that was way too long for it to be put on the crammed pack agenda. This is a tactic used to discourage people and make them leave early.

October Meeting

Oct 19th  Meeting
First part of Public Comments

Second part of Commissioner Comments

Replacing Arango


October 5th Comments from Commissioners

September 2017

September 21 County Commission Meeting

September 12th P&Z Meeting

Mary Feldblum and Alan Friedman presentation to the P&Z commission

Public Comment and Vote of September 12 P&Z meeting

September 7th  County Commission Meeting

This vVideo shows that the motion to publish the ordinance would have been another violation of the OMA Commissioner Chapman “decided to forego” that motion. They have now tried twice in consecutive BoCC meeting to violate the OMA. NO ENFORCEMENT EQUALS NO RULE OF LAW

September 5th P&Z Commission  Meeting

Discussion #1 This is the first part of the discussion this meeting went until 11 pm

Discussion #2

We will be posting as these videos come available.

August 2017

August 24th County Commission Meeting

Response to Commissioner Blocks tirade

August 22 P&Z Meeting

First Discussion by the P7Z Commissioners

Second Discussion Period

August 8th 2017  P&Z Meeting


July 2017

July 25th Public Hearing of the Sandoval P&Z Commission meeing in its entirety.

July 11th 2017 meeting where County Planner Mike Springfield becomes an arm chair attorney for the County of Sandoval.

County Attorney Giving the famous Liqour Store Reference in support for what the County is doing with the the ordinance process.

June 2017

Mike Springfield will be the Administrative Reviewer that would make decisions ont the Administrative Permit Application that requires no public notifications and it without public hearings or public review, impacting further Tri Chapter Area in the “NW Energy Sector” June 29th P&Z County Commission Meeting.

Makita Hill, Assistant Planner for Sandoval County explaining the ordinance June 29th P&Z County Commission Meeting

Public Comment period on June 29th, 2017 Comments on the Ordinance Draft

June 15th Meeting Public Comments to the Sandoval County Commission

June 1st Public Comments Sandoval County Commission Meeting


Other agenda items that impact the Oil and Gas Issue in Sandoval County

June 15th Tea Party Commissioner Jay Block announces ‘Right to Work ” Laws for Sandoval County Further Exacerbating Work Conditions

June 15th 2017 – Zia Pueblo fencing off and policing State Lands for violations on garbage dumping. Fencing Sets up Buffer zone to Zia Pueblo for siting of oil and gas infrastructure. It also Pushes dumping elsewhere. MOU was developed with public hearing and it was not put on the Agenda for a vote It was onthe Agneda as a presentation.  Zia Pueblo has sold minerals leases 32,000 Acres for fracking in the South East Region of Sandoval County.

IPRA Violations are outstanding in Sandoval County and with the City of Rio Rancho

Here is a Sample of what is happening with the City of Rio Rancho.

We will come forward with the Sandoval County Inspections of Public Records Act (IPRA) and Open Meetings Act (OMA)  issues soon.


The Issues at the City of Rio Rancho on IPRA and OMA


Informational Video On Background Regard Citizens Groups in the County of San Miguel

“At What Price: The Story of Mora County” and what the people in San Miguel County were trying to convey to their Commissioners.

Group from San Miguel County created this video to show the County Comissioners of san Miguel County what has happened to water in the Farmington Area. The people Of San Miguel and Mora County who came together were the bravest of all who support the Community Rights Ordinance.  What happened with the ban and the court cases is the next chapter of the story.


May 2017

The May 12 Meeting is when Oil and Gas came to the County and Parroted Governor Martinez Directive to Streamline the Permitting ProcessSee for your self What was siad that day

May 12th Meeting Public comments at the regarding the Ordinance process and items that were presented to the Commission

May 12th Meeting Planning Director Mike Springfield  Requesting Direction from the County Commission

May 12 2017 Sec. Ken McQueen Comments to the Sandoval County Commission Requesting to Streamline the permitting process.

Kelly Tooker Gas and Oil and Employee for 30 years stated many exaggerated claims on the Oil and Gas industry

May 12th meeting Dr Clifford Video On the Economics of oil and gas for the State and County

May 23 Rally Prior P&Z Commission Meeting

May 23 P&Z Commission Meeting  Where they Stated they did not have directions fromthe County of Commission on how to move forward

May 23rd Public Comment on fracking issue tothe P&Z Commission


Informational Video and Rally Song

Fracking Song


On May 8th the Tri-Chapter Alliance in the Checkerboard Area of Sandoval County where the Navajo Nation held a Public Hearing on the Impacts of Fracking on the Eastern Navajo Agency and Tri-Chapter Alliance area.

May 8 Counselor Chapter public hearing with Navajo Nation on fracking conditions in the Chaco Mesa checkerboard

May 8th Daniel Tso speaking at the public hearing at the Counselor Chapter House.

May 8th Meeting Counselor Chapter House NM REP Lente Speaking

Jodilynn Trujuillo Ortiz Consulting – USA; LLC Presentation on the the Pipeline issue on HWY 550 that cross the Rio Grande and several arroyos that drain into the RIo Grande the pipelines are over 60 years old. This also Cross the Santa Ana Pueblo close to the new resort. All Pipelines EXPLODED SPILL and LEAK AFTER 40 yrs. The pipelines are not doubled walled.

Bob Wessely What Could Be in the Sandoval County Oil and gas Ordinance

Firsthand testimony on when fracking comes to town.


Health impacts from Fracking presentation of Physicaians for Social Responsiblity  Peg Breault MA Nurse Health Researcher

Published on Nov 1, 2016

Environmental expert Wenonah Hauter speaks on her recent book “Frackopoly” to an audience at Albuquerque”s newest library, Central and Unser.
Event was sponsored by Food and Water Watch, Eleanor Bravo, SW Director.