This is the sound track we played at the sound levels taken from the porches of people living in the NW Sandoval County. The sound levels experienced in the Chaco Mesa Area have been recorded at an 83 dB level the Ambient Sound Levels for rural landscape is much lower in the Rural areas at 35 dBs. For the County to set levels at 70 dBs is many times over the expotential noise levels. This Noise level was demostrated for our Congressional Delegation and the people who attended the 4th of July Parade in Corrales. This noise sound track plays 5 different noise sounds experienced in the drilling and production of fracked gas and oil.
This will also be played for the Sandvoal County Commissioners along with dBs levels people are experiencing now. The Oil and Gas Industry depends on windows and doors closed 24/7 so that residents will expeience street noise levels in their homes 24/7.