Call for Action Vote NO on Sandoval County O&G Ordinance – Call P&Z Commissioners

CALL FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION: Call the Sandoval County (SC) Planning and Zoning Commissioners to demand they vote against the approval of.the “Draft 4 – Sandoval County Oil and Gas Ordinance” up for a vote at tonight’s meeting.

Please call and message commissioners
Demand water baseline studies

In comparison to Santa Fe’s 160 page O & G Ordinance this Sandoval County, the 9-pg ordinance is merely a best practices skeleton that does not provide the public sufficient information about what and how safeguards regarding hydraulic fracking will be applied in the Rio Grande Valley. The proposed ordinance does not specifically address how our air, water, health, and safety will be protected. The public has the right to demand that it clearly be stated!!!! Tribal Consultation per the National Historic Preservation Act (Chapter 106) has been disregarded, the draft ordinance merely states tribes will be notified. There is much detail that is being ignored in this draft ordinance. Demand that Citizen input from all affected groups participates in the drafting of the SC O & G Ordinance. Bear witness, come to tonight’s meeting.

SCC Planning and Zoning Commissioners contact info:…/plannin…/p-z-commissioners